My Brother May Not Come to My Daughter’s Bat Mitzvah
We are a tale of two brothers. Raised Modern Orthodox, I married out and am now raising my family as Reform Jews in Brooklyn. My brother became increasingly observant and now lives a Yeshivish life. We had no siblings and both of our parents passed away. This year my daughter is becoming a Bat Mitzvah and, as one does, I invited my family. I have not heard back from my brother yet as to whether he will come.
Here’s the thing Seesaw. My brother and I were best friends as children and still speak regularly and probably know one another better, or at least as well, as anyone else. I love him and it would mean so much to me to have him at my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah. Do I push him on this because we are family — really one another’s only family? (Also, I know exceptions are often made in these matters.) Or do I let it go because I know this goes against his beliefs? —Bewildered in Brooklyn
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